Adding Elastichsearch filebeat to Docker images

One of the projects I’m working on uses a micro-service architecture. Every micro-service is shipped as a Docker image and executed on Amazon AWS using ECS. This basically means that on a random number of servers, a (somewhat) random number of instances of a single micro-service can run … and this about 15 times (the number of micro-services we have).

In the best case this means that 15 Docker containers are running on 4 EC2 instances and thus there are 15 logs files to gather. To handle this we use the Elastichsearch ELK stack using ElasticSearch, Logstash and Kibana. Our micro-services do not directly connect to the Logstash server, instead we use filebeat to read the logfile and send it to Logstash for parsing (as such, the load of processing the logs is moved to the Logstash server).

Filebeat configuration

Filebeat is configured using YAML files, the following is a basic configuration which uses secured connection to logstash (using certificates). Using the fields property we can injection additional parameters like the environment and the application (in this case the micro-service’s name). The multi-line pattern will make sure that stacktraces are sent as one line to the server.

In this case the filebeat server will monitor the /tmp/application*.log files (which is where we log or logs)

- input_type: log
    - /tmp/application*.log
  document_type: logback  
  multiline.pattern: ^\d\d\d\d
  multiline.negate: true
  multiline.match: after
  env: %ENVIR%
  app: %APP%
  hosts: ["%STASH%"]
  ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/app/ca.pem"]
  ssl.certificate: "/app/cert.pem"
  ssl.key: "/app/key.pem"


The %ENVIR%, %APP% and %STASH% parts will be replace later so that we can customize the logging for each environment and micro-service.

Installing filebeat in a Docker image

This is actually pretty straight forward. The following Dockerfile will install the filebeat service and on startup of the container it will run with the command of your likings.

FROM openjdk:8u111-jdk
# Stuff to get the micro-service running (this is not important for this blog)

# Monitoring
RUN wget
RUN dpkg -i filebeat-5.2.0-amd64.deb
RUN rm filebeat-5.2.0-amd64.deb

COPY filebeat.yml /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
COPY /bin/
RUN chmod +x /bin/

ENV STASH your-server:5044
#because we have a secured connection to logstash
COPY ca.pem /app/ca.pem
COPY cert.pem /app/cert.pem
COPY key.pem /app/key.pem

CMD /bin/ "java -jar /app/service.jar -server${PROFILE}"

A couple of notes: APP and ENVIR are configure to ‘unk’ here because it’s a base image for other micro-services. Each micro-service will have it’s own Dockerfile which extends this image where it configures the APP variable. The ENVIR variable will be set during startup of the container by passing it as a variable.

Starting the service

Because Docker images don’t contain running service, we need to start the service, that’s why we need the file. This script will also alter the filebeat.yml file so that it’s configured with information about the environment and the micro-service.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
sed -i -e s/%STASH%/$STASH/g /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
sed -i -e s/%APP%/$APP/g /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
sed -i -e s/%ENVIR%/$ENVIR/g /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
service filebeat start
echo "$*"
/bin/sh -c "$*"



2 thoughts on “Adding Elastichsearch filebeat to Docker images

  1. Hey Bro, thanks for your explanation , I was trying to perform that but i did reach out some issues, the first one was related with the dpkg command, so in order to fix that i inlcude a (RUN yum -y install dpkg) additional line …
    the second issue is related with the filebeat,yml file , when i try to build my dockerfile it is complaining :
    Step 14/23 : COPY filebeat.yml /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
    COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder909417706/filebeat.yml: no such file or directory

    I am wondering how to fix that ,
    Thank you

    1. Hope you have found it in the meantime. There are two things I could potentially think of that could cause this problem:
      1) the filebeat.yml file is not in the same directory as your Dockerfile
      2) Your tmp partition is mounted with the noexec option (which is actually a good thing security wise). You could try to run it as “TMPDIR=/some/folder/somewhere/on/your/system/but/not/tmp docker build . -t myimage”

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