
I’m a professional Java developer and technical analyst (as consultant) who is always on the look for a new Java related development challenge in his free time besides being an amateur photographer.

I like: all kinds of techno (hardstyle, dance, trace, dubstep, …), pop music, watching movies, all kinds of technological related topics.
I dislike: bugs, memory leaks, lack of indexes and drop tables instead of alter columns

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2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello,
    I am the developer of gps4cam, an iPhone/Android application that allows its users to geotag photos they take with their digital camera.
    gps4cam desktop uses exiftool to make the geotagging, with a very simple Java wrapper to Exiftool I made myself. I wanted to integrate the -stay_open feature, and I discovered you did a very good wrapper. Just a question: why didn’t you start from http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/software/exiftool-enhanced-java-integration-for-exiftool/ , it seems to be very good also…
    Warmest Regards, Michael

    1. I did look at it and at first I did re-use a part of the code, but writing Exif tags is quite different opposed to reading them.
      I’m aware that the current implementation is quite heavy and could be simplified 🙂 .

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